10FQ Appeal from order of tribunal
10FR Constitution of appellate tribunal
10FS Vacancy in appellate tribunal, etc
10FT Term of office of chairperson and members
10FU Resignation of chairperson and members
10FV Removal and suspension of chairperson and members of appellate tribunal
10FW Salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of service of chairperson and members
10FX Selection committee
10FY Chairperson, etc., to be public servants
10FZ Protection of action taken in good faith
10FZA Procedure and powers of tribunal and appellate tribunal
10G Power to punish for contempt
10GA Staff of appellate tribunal
10GB Civil court not to have jurisdiction
10GC Vacancy in tribunal or appellate tribunal not to invalidate acts or proceedings
10GD Right to legal representation
10GE Limitation
10GF Appeal to supreme court